
PrenatalSAFE® Karyo Plus detects 99,1% of chromosomal abnormalities observed at birth

PrenatalSAFE® Karyo test identifies 92.6% of chromosomal anomalies prenatally detected and 96.2% of those anomalies observed at birth.

PrenatalSAFE® Karyo Plus test identifies 95.5% of chromosomal anomalies prenatally detected and 99.1% of those anomalies observed at birth, achieving a level of detection rate very closed to the traditional fetal karyotyping (96.9%), obtained with invasive, prenatal diagnostic techniques

Unlike any other non-invasive prenatal test available to date PrenalSAFE Karyo offers a level of information previously only available from a fetal karyotype analysis, performed with invasive prenatal diagnosis procedures (amniocentesis and CVS)